These reading comprehension worksheets let you practice intermediate-level English reading skills.
Check how well you understand the author’s main points and vocabulary-- and your mastery of other key skills. They're all important for university study or tests like the IELTS or TOEFL.
Some of the free worksheets have the same questions as the interactive exercises linked from Reading Strategies and Comprehension Practice.
That way, you can choose when you want to practice online and when to use the worksheets (printable pdfs) here.
ESL teachers (or even high school English teachers) might find these worksheets useful too.
(Sometimes, as in the TED talks, an audio recording or video with transcript can be used for either reading or listening comprehension. They can also work as discussion starters or inspiration for a writing prompt.)
These pdfs are available for individual or class use. They are copyrighted. (You may not sell them, post them without permission, or distribute them without the copyright notice.)
Jump directly to the worksheets (or read how to use them first, below.)
Reading comprehension requires several skills. You need to recognize words and their parts (roots, prefixes, etc. That's 'decoding' them.) You need to understand English sentences and to think about what the author is trying to say.
Know why you want (or need) to read-- what you want to get out of the text. Then learn to skim, to scan headlines, call-out boxes, pictures, etc. for the information you need. Sometimes you need to slow down and analyze dense text when every word matters.
Tests like the TOEFL, IELTS, or SAT expect you to make inferences and to recognize the implications of what you read. They test your critical thinking skills. Can you recognize the author's purpose or biases? Is the author trying to manipulate you or sell you something?
These skills are important at work as well as school-- and you can practice them on these worksheets. (If you need help with some of them, see Improve Your Reading Skills.)
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about the worksheets, I’d be happy to hear. Use the Contact me link or make a comment, both at the bottom of the page.
You will need Adobe or another pdf reader to read these pdfs. If you do not have Adobe Reader, you can download it, free, here.
Intermediate (and up):
> Practice for the TOEFL and Other Reading Tests (with a reading selection about early American agriculture)
> Reading Comprehension Worksheet on Education’s Death Valley (a TED video with transcript to read.)
> Reading Comprehension Test Practice on another TED video: "Where Ideas Come From."
High Intermediate or Advanced:
> A Comprehension Test on a TED talk on motivation. (It tests either reading-- if students first read the transcript-- or listening/watching.) This is the pdf version of the interactive Comprehension Test page. It's also connected with a Lesson Plan on Motivation.
> A Practice Reading Test (on psychodynamic therapies)
> Check Your Reading Skill (with a selection on mental illness)
See also the "Words for Success" lesson plan and worksheet packet in Academic Vocabulary Worksheets. It includes a reading comprehension worksheet on an outstanding commencement address on true success. It also offers practice with goal-setting and success-related vocabulary.
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