Academic Word List Vocabulary S-Z 

This Academic Word List vocabulary, S-Z is the final page begun with the Alphabetical Academic Word List Vocabulary. (See that page for a more complete explanation of this list.) Basically, each entry gives the most common form of a word family from the Academic Word List with its part of speech (n- noun, v-verb, etc.), other common words in the family, and then the issue of our newsletter that introduces it and provides links to readings and activities to practice it.

The newsletters are on the Back Issues page, and a list of the AWL words in each reading, as well as the related puzzles, quizzes, and other practice pages, on Academic Vocabulary Word Lists for issues 1-5.

  • issues 6-10 are on Academic Vocabulary Word List 2 

If you want, you can go directly to the T section or to U-Z.

For explanations and practice with many individual AWL words, see also 

  • Printable Crossword Puzzles (CrP--arranged by newsletter, so you’ll know which vocabulary each emphasizes. Get quick practice with many words at once.)

Academic Word List Vocabulary, S -- in issue(s) #:

  • scenario, n.-- 20 (to practice, see newsletter 20 on the Back Issues page above). A scenario is a description of a possible event—the way something might work out. It can also be s summary (outline) of a story, play, or movie. 
  • schedule, n. or v.-- 22
  • scheme, n. or v., scheming (adj.)-- 18. A scheme is a plan or design. Sometimes it’s a plan to take advantage of people or cheat them. To scheme is almost always to plot against someone or plan to harm or cheat them, and the adjective ‘scheming’ is always bad. 
  • scope, n.-- 5
  • section, n., sectional, adj.-- 6
  • sector, n.-- 11
  • security, n., secure-- 3
  • seek, v.- see sought-- 6
  • select, v. or adj., selection, n., selective, adj.-- 8
  • sequence, n. (or V.), sequential, adj.-- 15
  • series, n., serial, adj.-- 1, 6, 7
  • sex, n., sexual, adj.-- 13, 14
  • shift, v. or n., shifting, adj.-- 11
  • significant, adj., signify, v. significantly, adj.-- 9
  • similar, adj., similarly, adv.-- 1, 2
  • simulation, n., simulate, v., simulated, adj.-- 19, 28. To simulate is to pretend, often to pretend to feel something without really feeling that way at all. War games are simulated battles, to give generals a chance to try out strategies without risking lives. The Red Cross sometimes leads disaster simulations to help communities practice and prepare for hurricanes or other natural disasters. 
  • site, n.-- 6
  • so called, adj.-- 22
  • solely, adv., sole, adj.-- 13, 29. Sole means alone; one thing (or person) with no others. Solely is a synonym for ‘only’— for only one purpose
  • somewhat, adv.-- 13
  • sought, v. (irregular past of ‘seek’)-- 6
  • source, n. -- 15
  • specific, adj. specifically, adv.-- 3
  • specified, adj. or v(past), specify, v., specification, n.-- 19
  • sphere, n., spherical, adj.-- 13
  • stability, n., instability, n., stabilize, v., stable, adj.,unstable, adj.-- 11
  • statistics, n., statistically, adv., statistician, n.-- 17, 26. Statistics are data (bits of information) in numerical form: the number of people in a group or a country, the size a building or a city or a star, the price of gasoline in Indiana or of computers in China. 
  • status, n.-- 10
  • straightforward, adj.-- 14. Straightforward means direct— clear speech or clear planning with no hidden agenda. 
  • strategies, n., strategic, adj., strategically, adv., strategist, n.-- 8
  • stress, n. or v., stressful, adj., stressed, adj.-- 6, 9, 27, 29 (& see WrW-- yellow box above)
  • structure, n. (or v.), structural, adj., structurally, adv.-- 2, 6
  • styles, n., style,v. or n., stylistic, adj. stylist, n.-- 6, 8
  • submitted, v. (past) or adj., submit, v., submission, n.-- 2
  • subordinate, adj., n., or v., subordination, n., insubordination, n.-- 16. Subordinate can be an adjective that means less important, a noun meaning a person who is under someone else’s direction, or a verb meaning to give something less importance.
  • subsequently, adv., subsequent, adj.-- 10
  • subsidiary, n. or adj., subsidize, v., subsidized, adj., subsidy, n.--13, 20. A subsidy is financial help from a government agency for businesses or organizations providing a public benefit. For example, state governments subsidize public universities to                make them more affordable, although they still cost a lot.          
  • substitution, n., substitute, v or n.-- 14.  To substitute means to use something or someone to take the place of another. A substitute teacher takes the regular teacher’s place during an absence.
  • successive, adj, successor, n.-- 5
  • sufficient, adj., sufficiently, adv., sufficiency, n., suffice, insufficient, adj.-- 12
  • sum, n. or v.-- 8
  • summary, n., summarize, v.-- 11 (& see WrW-- yellow box above)
  • supplementary or supplemental, adj., supplement, v. or n.-- 14, 24. To supplement is to add to something. A supplement is a substance lie a vitamin added to a diet for better health. A university professor might ask his students to buy one textbook, and then find supplemental (or supplementary) materials on the subject in the library. 
  • survey, n. or v.-- 7
  • survive, v., survival, n., surviving, adj., survivor, n.-- 6, 7
  • suspended, adj. or v.(past), suspend, v., suspense, n., suspension, n.-- 21
  • sustainable, adj., sustainability, n., sustain, v., sustenance, n.-- 17-19
  • symbolic, adj., symbol, n., symbolize, v.-- 14, 26

Academic Word List Vocabulary, T

  • tapes, n., tape, n. or v.-- 8
  • target, n. or v.-- 3
  • task, n., (multi-tasking), n.-- 8
  • team, n.-- 4
  • technical, adj., technically, adv.-- 7
  • techniques, n.-- 1, 2
  • technology, n., technological, adj., technologically, adv.-- 2, 7, 8, 9
  • temporary, adj., temporarily, adv.-- 9
  • tension, n., tense, adj., tensely. adv.-- 6 (& see WrW-- yellow box above)
  • termination, n., terminate, v., terminal, adj. or n., terminally, adv.-- 18. A termination is an ending. The word is sometimes used for being fired from a job: “He was terminated when they learned he had been playing computer games instead of doing his job.” A terminal illness is fatal-- it will end on death. A bus or airline terminal is a station where passengers begin or end their trips. 
  • text, n. or v., textual, adj.-- 14 (& see WrW-- yellow box above)
  • theme, n., thematic, adj.-- 11 (& see WrW ")
  • theory, n., theoretical, adj. theoretically, adv., theorize, v.-- 5, 8
  • thereby, adv.-- 21
  • thesis, n.-- 5
  • topic, n., topical-- 6 (& see WrW-- yellow box above)
  • trace, v. or n-- 7
  • traditional, adj., traditionally, adv., tradition, n.-- 1
  • transfer, v. or n.-- 20
  • transformation, n., transform,v., transforming, adj.-- 7, 24 (& see Soc-- yellow box above)
  • transition, n., transitional, adj., transit, n.-- 15 (& see Soc-- yellow box). Transit is similar to ‘transportation.’ Public transit is the buses or subways that help people get from one place to another. 
  • transmission, n, transmit, v.-- 19, 24
  • transport, v., transportation, n.-- 2, 24
  • trend, n., trending, adj.-- 15, 27
  • trigger, n. or v.-- 23. A trigger is the lever that causes a gun to fire. Trigger is now used as both noun and verb for the immediate cause of some event. The American Civil War was caused by major disputes about slavery and states’ rights, but its trigger was the southern attack on a federal fort in South Carolina. 

Academic Word List Vocabulary, U-Z

  • ultimately, adv., ultimate, adj.-- 9
  • unceasing, adj, unceasingly, adv.- (see cease)-- 23
  • unconventional, adj. (see convention)-- 7
  • underestimate, v. or n., underestimated, adj. (see estimate)-- 12
  • undergoes, v. (past: underwent)-- 9
  • underlying, adj., underlie, v.-- 9
  • undertaken, v. (past), undertake, v., undertaking, n., undertaker, n.-- 19
  • unified, adj. or v.(past), unify, v., unification, n.-- 21
  • uniform, adj., or n., uniformly, adv.-- 15
  • unique, adj., uniquely, adv.-- 1
  • unprecedented, adj. (see preceding)-- 12
  • unpredictable, adj., (see predict)-- 8
  • unregulated, adj. (see regulation)-- 9 (reading 21)
  • unreliable, adj. (see reliance)-- 8
  • unstable, adj. (see stability)-- 11
  • unsustainable, adj.(see sustainable)-- 17
  • utility, n., utilize, v., utilization, n.-- 19
  • validity, n., valid, adj., validate, v.-- 2
  • variable, n. or adj., vary, v. varied, adj., varying,adj., variation, n.,variability, n.-- 2, 9
  • vehicle, n.-- 2
  • version, n.-- 2
  • via, prep.-- 22
  • violation, n., violate, v-- 19
  • virtual, adj., virtually, adv.-- 14. Virtual can refer to something or someone that represents or stands in for someone or something else. So, it can mean ‘imaginary.’ It is often used of online experiences that imitate reality: “virtual reality” games (that “feel” real, although they only exist in the computer) or virtual friends-- people you have never met face to face.  Virtually can also mean almost or nearly: he is virtually blind (almost without vision.) 
  • visible, adj., visibly, adv., invisible, adj., visibility, n.-- 11
  • vision, n.-- 4, 28
  • visual, adj., visually, adj., visualize, v., visualization, n.-- 7, 8
  • volume, n.-- 7
  • voluntary, adj.,, volunteer, n.,voluntarily, adv.-- 10
  • welfare, n.-- 13
  • whereas, conj.-- 5
  • whereby, conj. or adj.-- 9
  • widespread, adj.-- 23. Widespread is simply spread over or covering a large area.

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