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Is your goal improving English language speaking skills? This free 5-day challenge can boost your progress!
Continue reading "Improving English Language Speaking Skills with a Free Challenge"
Use these tips to speak better English. Better yet, get quick tips and reminders in your inbox weekly..
Continue reading "Tips to Speak Better English, with Quick Practice Activities "
These common sports idioms can help you understand business conversations as well as informal American speech.
Learn how complex sentences can show the relationships between ideas clearly, using noun, adjective, or adverb clauses.
Learn when to use more than 12 English verb tenses, with examples and links to practice exercises.
Continue reading "English Verb Tenses: Examples and Practice"
Use these printable English grammar worksheets to master correct English, practice tenses and sentence structure, and avoid common errors.
Study these medical words used by health professionals and by patients for common symptoms and their possible causes. Then check yourself with a quick quiz.
Continue reading "Medical Words for Symptoms and their Causes"
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