Answers to Present Tense Verb Exercises  I (like) to read.

6. like: Does Jim (like) to study? (Use the base form after the helping verb ‘does.’)

7. goes: Every weekday morning at 8 A.M. Josh (goes) to work.

8. wake, hear: Many mornings when I (wake) up,  I (hear) the birds singing. (It happens every morning, so I chose ‘wake,’ but it happens at the moment of awakening,  so it would also be O.K. to say ‘when I am waking up.

9. takes: Sarah (takes) the bus to work often.

10. lives: She (lives) too far from her work to walk.

11. know: Do you (know) the time?

12. asking, have: It’s 10:30.  Are you (asking) because you don’t (have) a watch?

13. have, am having: No. I (have) a watch,   but I (am having) trouble seeing right now, after an eye exam.

(The first ‘have’ is simple present, because I own it all the time, not just right now. It’s uncommon to use ‘have’ in the present continuous tense, but we can say “I’m having trouble” or a problem, when it is just a momentary problem-- not all the time. We also talk about “having a party.” Otherwise, use ‘have.’)

14. try: Some high school students don’t even (try) to answer questions in class.

15. Comes, gives: For example, Bill comes) to class every day, but he never (gives) the answer to the teacher’s questions.

16. leaves: He always (leaves) the moment the bell rings.

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