British Power Vocabulary Exercise

Use this British power vocabulary exercise to test your understanding of academic vocabulary from the Latin roots domus and dominare. If you aren't sure of their meanings, try looking at Power Words first, then following its link back to this page to try the gap-fill game.

globe showing areas of British dominion at the beginning of the 20th century in red

The Rise and Fall of British Power

Fill in all the blanks using the drop-down menu alternatives, then press "Check" to check your answers.

Great Britain the seas during the 18th and 19th centuries. Its military power was also predominant, giving it over a large part of the globe. From 1815 until at least the First World War, Britain was the world power. It was able to introduce its culture and impose its laws and language on colonies from New Zealand to India and Africa to Canada, so that they could truly say the sun never set on the British empire.

By the end of the Second World War, so many people in the British colonies resented British (and the attitude that often went with it) that Britain was forced to give most colonies independence. Besides, the British public was ready to concentrate on affairs and recovery from the effects of several difficult wars.

Many former colonies have kept some ties with their old “mother country,” as part of the British Commonwealth or by keeping the English language (as well as some laws and customs) as a unifying force in countries with many different ethnic groups. This is a major reason English is becoming the language of commerce and international relations.

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