Many Greek roots have entered English, both directly
(especially in medical and scientific vocabulary) and by way of Latin.
Recognizing a few of their common bases (combined with a few prefixes) will
increase your reading comprehension. Besides, they’re fun!
A large percentage of English words for math, sciences and social sciences (as well as music and other performance arts) come originally from Greek.
There's a list of some very common Greek roots below, followed by more individual words with Greek origins,
Common Greek Roots for English Words
Here’s a list of some of the most common Greek roots, in
their usual combining form. (Most end in ‘o.’ You just drop the ‘o’ if the
following syllable begins in a vowel.)
cris, crit- judge or decide: crisis, criteria (standards
to use to judge something), critical, hypocrisy
geo- earth: geologist, geometry, geographic
graph (from graphein-
to write or draw, & graphia- a description
of): calligraphy, demographic, digraph, graph, (a chart showing information in
the form of a picture), graphic, photograph
logo- (often logy- study of, from logia- a speaking about, logos-
word or thought): biological, cardiology, dermatologist, ecology, ideology,
logic, mythology, psychological, theological
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Knowing a few roots & prefixes can help you figure out the meanings of new words. If you know ‘form’ (shape) and ‘con’ (with), you can guess that ‘conformity’ is about trying to be like others.
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