Irregular Verb Memory Game 3 (as well as game 1 and game 2) let you have fun and give your memory a workout while reviewing the most common past tense irregular verbs in English.
If you want to play from a cell phone and cannot fit this game in your window, even turned on its side (landscape mode), try the long narrow mobile version. (It does require a lot of scrolling to play... you might prefer to just review with the practice pages listed below the game-- or wait until you can use a computer...)
This third game reviews the past tense of buy and think --the most common 'ought' past tenses. The pasts of fight and seek are made the same way, with the first letter and o-u-g-h-t; catch and teach are the same except that the 'ou' is replaced by'au'-- with the same sound.
It also reviews the pasts of leave, find, and give (or forgive), as well as know. (You might also want to think of some other verbs with pasts like know: grow and blow. The 'ow' becomes 'ew' in the past, then 'own' for the past participle: known, grown, and blown.)
If you’re playing with a friend, see who can win the most pairs. By yourself, see how quickly you can match all the present tense forms of the verbs with their past tenses. Play it again to watch your speed go up. (Card locations will be different every game. Memorize meanings, not locations!)
Instructions: Your goal is to turn over 2 cards that belong together: the present tense of a verb with its past tense equivalent.There are twelve cards in 3 rows. Players (if you are playing with someone) take turns choosing two cards to turn over. If the cards match, they will stay face up, and the player who chose them wins that pair.
If they do not match, they will turn back over. (Try to remember their locations. If you find a match for one of them later, you want to be able to find it again.) Continue to turn over two cards at a time until all have been matched. The player with the most matches wins.
If you are playing alone, you win if you can beat your previous time. It's trickier than it sounds!
For a simple way to learn more irregular verbs by the patterns of their endings, see 12 Lists of Irregular Verbs. To practice those and other important irregulars with a gap-fill exercise, see List of Irregular Verbs: the Top 50. You might also want to review the Simple Past Tense, which shows how to form the regular past tense, along with providing a few spelling and pronunciation tips.
Printable ESL Classroom Games has two game packets with printable irregular verb matching cards to cut out for playing the memory game in a classroom. Those games include 16 cards (a four x four grid) each, so they can include more verbs in each game.
The larger packet includes many more irregular verbs to practice; the smaller one has most of the verbs in this game and Game 2 and 3 (below), but not the two forms of 'to be' (which most students probably know) or to buy, say, or tell. (It has tto hear and to feel instead.)
Try some other interactive concentration games: Irregular Verb Memory Game 2 (to eat, make, see,take, say, and tell), Roots Memory Game 1 to practice words like inquire, require, request, and quest, Roots Memory Game 2 with cedere or Game 3 with vertere, Custom Memory Game 1 or Game 2 to practice phrasal verb idioms, or a simple kids' matching game just for fun.
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