Master English Vocabulary for Professionals

In just a few couple of hours a week you can master English vocabulary that you need as professionals!

Information about the Master English Vocabulary course's benefits, plus a photo of a work team discussing a computer document.

Have you been wondering how you can use your English vocabulary more effectively?

Knowing a large number of impressive-sounding words won't help you very much. It's better to have a smaller but targeted vocabulary for expressing your thoughts precisely.

If you have been stressing over finding the right words to make an important point in English, this course can help you!

How This Course to Master English Vocabulary Can Help 

• Learn to pronounce and use 100 important professional word families. (Example: collaborate, collaboration, collaborative.)

• Work with tools that can help you find the exact word you need (and avoid words that could weaken your presentation or argument.)

• Develop word-building skills to learn new words in context

• Role play business meetings in English 

• Practice persuading people of the value of your ideas.

Course Content

There are four modules in the Master English Vocabulary course (after the brief Welcome module). Each is designed to be easily completed within a week or less. (Module numbering is based on the 30-day course, since some lessons are shared, so Mod. 3 is called M. 3-4, and the 4th Module is named "Mod. 5: Persuasion.")

The first lesson in each module teaches 20 important English word families. (For example: assume and assumption or conclude, conclusion, and conclusive.) Learn each word’s pronunciation, word stress, and use. There are sample sentences to show how we use many of them in meetings or discussions at work.

I’ll offer one lesson in each module live. You’ll be able to ask questions and practice with vocabulary tools or strategies as a group.

The other two lessons will be videos, with exercises and suggestions for applying what you've learned. (You can also review a pdf of the lesson slides and an audio recording of each lesson.)

There are group discussion boards. You’ll have opportunities to arrange practice sessions with other students as well. 

Each lesson also includes a survey. Please let me know what was most useful to you and what was not (or was hard to understand). Also comment if you need any further help.

Course Organization: Modules

The Welcome Module introduces the course and what to expect. It also includes some important information to review. An assessment asks about your needs, available times for the group lessons, and your general vocabulary level.

Module 1: Basics 

1. key professional vocabulary, 

2. basic communication skills, 

3. and a 1/2 hour talk with me to help me understand any special interests or needs and what will help you the most.

Module 2: Vocabulary Tools 

1. vocabulary related to the reading materials and the use of connotations, 

2. a live lesson on connotations and the use of thesauruses, 

3. and a lesson on using context clues.

Module 3-4: Work & Networking 

1. vocabulary to describe your work or accomplishments, including in the past tense, 

2. business meeting vocabulary

3. live meeting practice

+ a Bonus Lesson:

using phrasal verbs at work.

Module "5": Persuasion 

1. persuasive vocabulary, 

2. some useful tips on persuasion, 

3. and a live practice: how to disagree without being disagreeable.

These 4 modules are generally similar to the first (vocabulary) lessons from modules 1-5 plus several other important lessons from the 30 Days to Better English Course. This course focuses mainly on vocabulary, so it has fewer lessons in each unit. (Modules 3 & 4 have been reduced and combined, and module 2 is rearranged. It takes lessons from modules 5 & 6 that are especially important for vocabulary use.)

I have found that many of my students do not need extra materials on pronunciation, writing, etc. If you do, see the 30-day course or consider my membership program, $12 per month. You can contact me about it (or if you have other questions) below.

Interested in This Course?

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The Special Advantage of This Course

As a "pilot" course, I will provide a lot of extra help, including live lessons with me, at a much lower price than usual. I'm also interested in your suggestions and requests. I can add suggested extra materials to make these lessons as helpful as possible. 

This course is not yet available until I can organize a group to take it, but I hope to offer a more targeted version (especially on meeting vocabulary) soon. 

I've designed these lessons to help you increase your vocabulary quickly and use it well. 

Imagine how it could help your career to master English vocabulary and be able to use it effectively!