More Vocabulary Exercises: Governments and NGOs

This page has more vocabulary exercises about the relationship between governments and NGOs. (NGOs are non-governmental organizations, often called ‘non-profits’ in th U.S., since they are not corporations for the purpose of making a profit.) This is a continuation of the gapfill essay started in Types of Organizations.

a word cloud of words relating to NGOs: volunteer, community, donations, helping, assistance, mission, contribution, generous, etc.

Gapfill Exercise: Governments & NGOs

Instructions: Type the best word from the list below into each gap (space,) then press “check” to review (and if needed correct) your answers. (You can click on the question mark to get a hint-- the first letter of the word. However, it will reduce your score.)

 Below the gapfill paragraphs there is a second type of exercise called Odd One Out. (See that section for an explanation.)

administrative, exclude, fees, guidelines, incompatible, instance, invest, parameters, principal, principally, purchase, regulate, status, subsidies

Many institutions (as well as some smaller NGOs) may receive government to help pay for their services to the community or nation. Donors who believe in an organization’s cause may give large sums of money, and volunteers their time. Organizations may also hold fund-raisers or charge membership to generate additional income to buildings or supplies, pay expenses and salaries (unless the entire staff is volunteers), or to support their cause.

Most organizations have a governing document like a charter or constitution that gives guidelines for their operation and states the purpose for which they exist. The charter also sets that define and limit the activities they will pursue, avoiding apparent or actual purposes.

Governments may also non-profits. In the U.S. this is done using the tax code. If organizations violate government they may lose their tax-free non-profit . One set of these guidelines forbids discrimination on the basis of sex, race, or several other factors. For , American organizations may not arbitrarily all men or all women simply because of their sex, nor may they deny membership to people based on sexual orientation, race, or national origin.

Odd One Out Exercise

Three of the four words in each group are closely related in meaning. The fourth is not. (It may be an antonym-- opposite-- to them, or just unrelated.)  Think about what meaning connects any three of the words, and then choose the odd word that does not belong with the others.

1. guidelines, parameters, rules, opportunities

2. instance, occurrence, rule, illustration

3. appropriate, related, incompatible, congruent

4. only, sole, exclusive, multiple

5. apparently, seemingly, definitely, supposedly

6. civil, polite, rude, well-mannered

7. civil, public, military, political

8. the (principal, subordinate, predominant, outstanding) feature

9. contrast, difference, similarity, variation 

10. flexibility, adaptability, rigidity, pliability

11. infrastructure, framework, base, superstructure

12. files, documents, illustrations, records

13. somewhat, completely, partially, moderately

For more practice of many of these and related words, try the crossword “Promote the General Welfare.” (Its name is based on a phrase from the beginning of the U.S. Constitution.  It expresses the general theme of the readings in newsletters 13-16 and the vocabulary in these practices.) Its answers are here.

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Answers: Odd One Out Exercise

1. opportunities

2. rule

3. incompatible

4. multiple

5. definitely

6. rude

7. military

8. subordinate

9. similarity

10. rigidity

11. superstructure

12. illustrations

13. completely

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