SBI Review: How SBI Made EnglishHints Possible

EnglishHints is about learning English, but I want to use one page for an SBI review—to give credit to the site/business-builder that has enabled me to share my love of English.

picture of four SBI Site Designer customizable templates, one of many benefits of SBI4 SBI site design templates. Can you guess which EngishHints uses?*

*(template answer here.)

My Experience with SBI

I’m a teacher at heart, with lots of background in English and language learning, but very weak tech and marketing skills. I would probably not have found a way to teach online if I had not discovered SBI. 

I had a lot of doubts if it could help me, but the 90-day money-back guarantee gave me the courage to try it. Once I started following SBI’s step-by-step process for finding a niche, developing a business plan, and then building a website, I saw a real hope of actually helping interested people improve their English.

I knew when I chose it that teaching English had less potential for large earnings than other possible fields, but it was and is my passion. I am so glad I'm able to work at something I enjoy!

It has taken quite a while for me, but SBI has always provided guidance for the most useful next steps. Now EnglishHints gets excellent traffic (averaging well over 1,000 visitors a day for the last year). It has produced some steady income, with potential for more.

SBI Review: Benefits

SBI has provided valuable benefits to me:

guidance: how to choose a niche and name, organize a website so visitors can find the information they need, build traffic, reach people through social media, and eventually earn money

secure web-hosting—so that I can have confidence EnglishHints will be up for people to find

The Action Guide-- and countless articles on subjects from quality content guidelines, to creating or finding and optimizing images, using social media, writing ebooks, using Google analytics, or planning and making products to meet the needs of site visitors

keyword software (BrainstormIt! and a site-specific Master Keyword List) to learn what people are looking for and how much has already been written about it

• an easy-to-use, versatile interface for making web pages (Block Builder 2—a massive project that has proved its worth over and over)

• Site Designer, with over 100 mobile-friendly or completely responsive, customizable templates to match different site purposes and personalities*

• basic email & newsletter management

• a dependable, friendly Support team who go the extra mile when technical issues arise (and they will!)

•help in dealing with the many regulatory and Internet issues and changes that can be a nightmare for small businesses to deal with: Google rules and algorithm changes, security and privacy issues like becoming https- and GDPR-compliant. (I understand the need for privacy controls, but GDPR requirements are extremely difficult for small sites to deal with. A lot of us would have had to give up our sites-- or risk severe consequences from Google as well as GDPR enforcement-- if SBI programmers and team had not spent weeks updating tools and guiding us-- individual site owners-- through the many steps we needed to take.)

• one of the best benefits of all: very helpful forums where other SBI owners (solopreneurs like me) can share their experiences and advice and ask and answer questions (I would never have made it without some of the help I got there!)

*Did you guess the EnglishHints’ design template? From the template image choices at the top of the page, you may think that (my) customization isn’t an improvement—but it lets me share the ideas and English skills that matter more to me than an elegant design. Incidentally, I love the book and dandelion images, but I actually used the dog template-- it was the one that worked best for my purposes.)

True & Fake SBI Reviews

I’m not a marketer or a very unusual site owner, and I am not using affiliate links or earning anything (even potentially) from this SBI review.

So why am I writing? I appreciate what I have been able to do through SBI, but I have been unhappy to learn that there are quite a number of fake reviews of SBI—some written with very little knowledge (at least current knowledge) of it.

Many of them have the purpose of steering people who might want to build a web-business into another product (often Wealthy Affiliates. It encourages its members to write such reviews, even though they may only be using outdated information to write them). 

Writing reviews comparing companies is certainly legitimate, if the information is accurate. Please do read whatever is written carefully, with “a grain of salt,” (as we say in English when what someone is telling may not be completely accurate or truthful.)

It is worth doing your own investigation, if you want to start an online business, because a good platform and the right advice and tools can make a tremendous difference to your success.

Check out this study of website traffic rankings (good traffic is important in order to have a market to sell to), comparing SBI with Wealthy Affiliates, which currently has many affiliates reviewing SBI with the purpose of switching potential customers to their site builder instead. The study compared the traffic of all customers with active sites on SBI and Wealthy Affiliates using three different major companies that measure website traffic. 

It found that SBI owners were 33 times as likely to have enough traffic for their businesses to be found in a web search. Very few Wealth Affiliate sites had enough traffic to even be visible on the web, among the hundreds of thousands of sites competing for attention. (The reviews you might see are written by the few affiliates who do know how to be found by the search engines—or else you would not find them at all doing a Google or Bing search.)

The study gives you all the information you need to repeat the investigation yourself, to see if the results are legitimate or not. It’s worth looking at, before you make up your mind. 

You might also want to check out some of the large number of very successful businesses hosted by SBI. Then make your own mind up. I wish you every success in your online endeavors!

One More Note-- about the SBI Community

I would like to just mention that my fellow Solo Build It owners come from all over the world. Our websites are in a number of languages, though we all need to understand considerable English to read or listen to the Action Guide and all the other guidance, and to participate in the forums.

We have websites on an incredible variety of subjects, from recipe and health and travel sites to financial planning, education (like EnglishHints), local businesses, music, and hobbies. It’s been a wonderful education for me. I hope you have as good an experience with whatever business and site builder you choose.

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