Here are the Transition Words Quiz answers, in case you want to double-check them or cannot figure one out. (If you haven't completed the quiz yet, do try it first. The best way to learn when to use each transition word is to see which places it might fit.)
Choose from: also, although, because, but, even, first, however, in addition, moreover, similarly
Although online learning has both advantages and disadvantages, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. In addition,[or Moreover, or Also] most of the disadvantages can be reduced through careful planning.
The first and perhaps most obvious disadvantage of online classes is the lack of face to face interaction. Teachers cannot gauge their students’ nonverbal reactions. Similarly [or Moreover, In addition or Also], students miss the teacher’s non-verbal cues: tone of voice, pauses, and gestures. They cannot spontaneously ask a question or volunteer an answer. They also have less opportunity to get acquainted with their fellow students.
To make up for these disadvantages, teachers can post videos online so students can see and hear them almost as clearly as in a large class. They can also plan webinars in which students can ask questions and get answers in real-time, either by phone, Skype, or online chat. Lack of student interaction can be reduced by incorporating opportunities for students to introduce themselves and socialize (including through icebreaker-type games) into the class schedule. Students can work on projects together or organize study groups via Skype, chat, or instant messaging.
The greatest advantage of online learning is its great expansion of opportunities to many whose access to traditional education was very limited due to geography, income, or various disabilities. Online learning is accessible to anyone who has or can get the use of a computer, anywhere in the world. It enable major reductions in school expenses for overhead (buildings and utilities), as well as student expenses for transportation, texts, and sometimes living costs.
Because computers can accommodate physical limitations with text to speech, enlargeable print, foot or mouth-operated controls and other adaptations, many students with disabilities have much better access to information than in traditional classrooms. Moreover, [or Also, In addition, or Similarly,] slower students or language learners who need to hear material more than once can read or listen repeatedly and learn at their own pace.
The disadvantages of online learning can be reduced, but its benefits are increasing with each new technology. However, online learning does not need to be either-or. In many cases it can be combined with traditional classroom learning to get the best of both worlds. Traditional classrooms can use online components like flipped learning to make the best use of teacher time. Online classes serving a fairly small geographic area can begin with an orientation on campus so students and teachers can meet and interact face to face. Even in international classes, groups of students in the same area can meet and socialize. The possibilities are limited only by teacher and student imagination.
I hope most of the answers are obvious when you see them! The biggest factors in choosing the right words are the type of transition (Additive, Cause, Contrast, etc.) and the part of speech needed.
For example, the first one has to be 'although' because it's the only subordinating conjunction among the choices. That's the part of speech you need at the start of a dependent clause.
At the end of the 2nd paragraph, the choice needs to be 'also' because the other additive words (moreover, etc.) need to start a phrase. Only 'also' can go between the subject & the verb. (That wasn't in my explanation. It's the kind of rule I think you can only learn as you listen to or read a lot of English.)
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