This third noun in the unscramble words game series is the name for a group of people who use certain methods to study-- what? Can you guess the word from its letters?
Check the main Unscramble Words page "Extra Help" section if you would like to see a complete list of possible words, and ways to recognize some nouns.
Instructions: Click on each letter in the correct order to form a word. (You can undo one letter at a time if you decide to change it, or just click 'restart' to begin anew.) When you think it is right, click “check” to check your answer. If you need help, click on “Hint” to learn the next letter. (That will take about 10 points off your score.)
Go to Unscramble Nouns 4, or go back to the main Unscramble Words page for a different type of unscramble game.
Home>Vocabulary Games>Unscramble Words Noun 3.