Play Unscramble Words

Unscramble words and other word scramble games are a great way to practice word recognition skills (not to mention spelling and suffix use.) Besides being fun, they help you get more familiar with common patterns in English words.

Eggs being scrambled with text: Rearrange the letters to review prefixes, suffixes, and important English vocabulary. (Examples:) aercvite > creative; nospaustim > assumption

The scrambled word games here let you practice some of the most common words in English academic vocabulary—words from Level 1 and 2 of the Academic Word List (AWL).

(Level 1 gives the 60 most common words of the AWL and level 2 gives 60 more. Only a few are practiced on this page!)

There are also word scramble practices with words related to civics and American government. (They’re not all on the AWL.)

Each interactive game is on a separate page because of the interactive game code. There are also some non-interactive scrambles later on this page and the first noun game page.

You can reach any of them from this page. The first three sets of games are arranged by type of word to make it easier to guess.

(Many adjectives will have the adjective endings discussed in the Suffix List, and many of the nouns have the suffix endings belonging only to nouns. See the Extra Help below for quick lists.)

If you want a more difficult challenge, choose games from the mixed group. Each sequence has 5 interactive games, except for the adjectives with 6.

This page has the first game of the AWL Adjective Words. If you prefer to play the Mixed Words, AWL Nouns, or Government Words, just click the link you want under More Unscramble Games to start that sequence. 

AWL Level 1-2 Adjectives Unscramble Words Game 1

Instructions: Click on each letter in the correct order to form a word. (You can undo one letter at a time if you decide to change it, or just click 'restart' to begin anew.)

When you think it is right, click “check” to check your answer. If you need help, click on “Hint” to learn the next letter. (Each hint will reduce your score by 10 points.)

Then just click the link to the next game you want (or from other games, return to this page to find another game.) Have fun!

hint for the word scrambled below: it means fitting or proper.

More Unscramble Words Games

AWL Level 1-2 Adjectives Game 2, Game 3, Game 4, Game 5, Game 6. (Or see section below for more adjective scrambles that aren't interactive.)

AWL Level 1 Nouns Game 1, Game 2, Game 3, Game 4, Game 5. (One per page except that Game 1 has more, non-interactive, noun scrambles.)

Government Vocabulary Game 1, Game 2, Game 3, Game 4, Game 5.

Mixed Games (AWL and Government Vocabulary): Game 1, Game 2, Game 3, Game 4, Game 5.

Non-Interactive Adjective Scrambles

Can you unscramble these AWL level 1-2 adjectives? They're listed in the extra help below, but it's better if you can guess them from word meanings, so I've included a hint after each scrambled word. Answers are at the bottom of the page-- but don't peek until you try!

1. mitteedas. Hint: figured an approximate amount; guessed at

2. cifepisc.  Hint: one certain individual or group, not just anyone or anything related

3. bavelari. Hint: subject to change

4. larentev. Hint: closely connected or pertinent

5. versiupo. Hint: before

6. nitardolati. Hint: the customary way of doing something

7. seroufculer. Hint: able to figure out a way of accomplishing something, even when there isn’t an obvious way 

Extra Help

These words to unscramble can be very difficult if you have no idea which words are included. So I've given lists of possible words below. I didn't want to make  it too easy, so I included extra words and did not separate nouns and adjectives. 

Besides, it's very useful to understand the suffixes that make words into nouns or adjectives. That's why I added a quick explanation below the lists. If you already know all this-- great! If not, it is worth a little time to study it. It will help you when you read, and especially when you need to choose the correct form as you write.

(If you are writing about a major problem, do you call it a significant problem or a significance problem? Use 'significant'-- the adjective. If you want to explain why it's so important, you would talk about its significance, using the noun.)

Possible Adjectives or Nouns from AWL levels 1-2

These are all important to understand (but not all included in these scrambles):

  • analysis or analyst, 
  • appropriate, 
  • authority or authoritarian,
  • available or availability,
  • beneficial or benefit, 
  • consequence or consequential,
  • consistency or consistent, 
  • distribution, 
  • economic, economics, or economy, 
  • environment or environmental, 
  • established or establishment, 
  • estimate, estimated, or estimation, 
  • evidence or evident, 
  • identifiable or identification,  
  • individual, 
  • interpretation or interpretive,  
  • involved or involvement,
  • percent or percentage, 
  • previous,
  • principle, 
  • relevance or relevant,
  • required or requirement, 
  • research or researchers, 
  • resource or resourceful,
  • restricted or restrictive, 
  • significance or significant, 
  • specific,
  • strategic or strategy,
  • structural or structure,
  • tradition or traditional, 
  • variable

Some Words Related to Civics:

  • amendment,
  • congress or congressional, 
  • constitution or constitutional, 
  • democratic or democracy, 
  • executive, 
  • federal or federalism, 
  • government or governmental, 
  • judicial, 
  • legislation, legislative or legislature, 
  • nation or nationalism, 
  • political or politics, 
  • president, 
  • republic or republican (with a capital R only when referring to the political party.)

As noted on the Suffix List page, adjectives often end in -able or -ible, -al, -ant or -ent, -ed, -ic, or -ive. (Some nouns for types of people, like assistant or resident, also end in -ant or -ent. Individual and variable can be nouns as well as adjectives. But usually these endings indicate adjectives. Adding -ly to many of them will convert them into adverbs.)

Nouns very often end in -ion or -tion, as well as –ance, -ancy, -ence, or -ency, -er, -ism, -ity, -logy, -ment, -ness, or -ship.

Answers (Non-Interactive Adj. Scrambles)

1. estimated, 2. specific, 3. variable, 4. relevant, 5. previous, 6. traditional, 7. resourceful.

For other ways to practice vocabulary from the AWL, see Vocabulary GamesTOEFL & IELTS Vocabulary, or ESL Quizzes.

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