Academic Vocabulary Lists page 3:
English Detective, Issue 11-17

Academic vocabulary lists page 3 can help you find and practice words from the Academic Word List (AWL) in English Detective starting with issue 11.

This page continues the listings from the first and second pages of the Vocabulary Word Lists. The first page explains in more detail how to use these pages to find each issue's AWL words in each reading and on the practice pages on EnglishHints. Click here to see the back issues themselves. 

Issue 11 Word Lists and Practice Pages

BBC Introduction to Management Gurus (highlights): adapt administration highlights   interpret invisible significant

BBC talk on Peter Drucker: annual consultants credited-2 economic-2 economy estates  funds  irrelevant lectured lectures legislate parallels policy sector-2 shift shifted-2 shifts-2 stability  theme  

Practices: Business Terminology Crossword and its Answers, and Practice Business Vocabulary. (See next issue for a quiz combining both word lists.) 

a business meeting with a speaker and people at a table

Issue 12 Word Lists and Practice Pages

a business meeting with a speaker and people at a table

BBC talk on Trompenaars & Turner and Cross-Cultural Business: academics,circumstances-2, conform, consequence, consequences, constructed, contract-4, contracts-2, dimension-4, dimensions-3, dynamicgenerate, maximum, pursuit, unprecedented,

Voice of America talk on Micro-finance: academy, estimatedexcluded, implement, impose, initiative-4, sufficient

Practice with Money Words and Business English Vocabulary Quiz.

Issue 13 Word Lists and Practice Pages

Voice of America discussion about Social Entrepreneurs:

civil, files, investsex, sexual-2,sexuality 

A TED talk by Iqbal Quadir. on how cell phones can fight poverty:

apparently authorities-6 contrast-2 infrastructure-2 infrastructures instance-2 institution investing investment investors purchasing removes somewhat sphere subsidize welfare-10

Pages to practice these words: Promote the General Welfare crossword  and Answers (right-click to download), and Vocabulary Exercises: Types of Organizations.

Issue 14 Word Lists and Practice Pages

a TED talk by Josette Sheeran on ending hunger:

adequate-4 aware compiled cycles-2 diversity ensure ensuring fundamental-3  irreversible items symbol virtually       

and a Voice of America report on long-term help for the Sahel:

cycle-2 recover text 

Pages to practice these words: Disaster-Assistance Vocabulary Exercises, and Assistance Vocabulary Quiz.

Issue 15 Word Lists and Practice Pages

A TED talk by Niall Ferguson on "the 6 Killer Apps of Prosperity." (exceptional!):

accumulated alternative assembled briefly chart-2 code collapse complement-2  considerable despite-2 domestic ethic-7 phenomenon-3 plus posed predominance ratio-2 ratios sequencing-2 source transition trends uniform

Several pages to practice these words: Social Change Vocabulary, along with a Words for Social Change crossword and its answers, Power Words (from the Latin roots domus and dominari) and its Gap-fill (fill in the blanks) exercise.

Issue 16 Word Lists and Practice Pages

2 short articles from the U.S. National Archives:

  • Introduction to the U.S. Constitution:

amend constitution-2 debate debated draft federal redrafted revise

  • Intro. to Marbury v.s. Madison, the case that established the power of the Supreme Court:

amendment constitution-3 constitutional explicitly federal-2 fundamental revision 

Voice of America's version of Thomas Jefferson's first inaugural address:

constitution-2 debate minority-2 

Bryan Stevenson's TED talk about an injustice:

core discrimination distorted distorting integrate integrated nonetheless orientation-3 prior prohibition subordination 

Practice pages: Government Vocabulary Crossword and Answers, and Academic Writing

Issue 17 Word Lists and Practice Pages

Ray Anderson's TED talk on the Business Logic of Sustainability:

attributes converting-2 derived diminished finite neutral sustainability-6 sustainable-2 .

Alex Steffen's TED talk on a sustainable future:

abandoned behalf cites-2 contradictions displaced panels regime statistic 

Practice pages: Conservation Terminology Gap-fill, Social Science Vocabulary Crossword and Answers.

For newsletter issues 18 on, see Academic Vocabulary Lists page 4.

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