Use these vocabulary exercises (gapfills, and an Odd One Out exercise on the Governments and NGOs companion page) to practice important academic vocabulary. (English Detective 13 links to reading and listening materials using many of these words, if you would like to practice them more.)
There are several paragraphs below discussing types of organizations (and some related word meanings). Choose the best word from the vocabulary at the top of the exercise to fill in the gaps (spaces). (You can click on the question mark to get a hint-- the first letter of the word. However, it will reduce your score.)
If you would prefer to do these vocabulary exercises from a pdf, click here. (Right click to download.)
The first two paragraphs are done as a demonstration:
founded, promote
People form organizations for many purposes: to do business, to spend time with like-minded people, to share interests or promote a cause or even try to change the world. In the U.S. and many other countries, non-profit organizations, also called NGOs (non-governmental organizations) fill an important place.
They are usually founded and run by ordinary citizens who see a problem or opportunity in their society that they want to help with. They meet many needs that governments cannot meet (or don’t meet so well.)
circumstances, contrast, contribute, crucial, flexible,
institutionalize, institutions,
priority, solely, welfare
To do a second, related gapfill on the relationships between governments and NGOs as well as an Odd One Out category game), go to More Vocabulary Exercises.
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