Do you wonder how to increase your vocabulary? These vocabulary strategies can help you learn and remember new words.
Different strategies work best for different people. So try them all, then use the ones that work best for you every day to speed up your English learning.
The best way to increase your English vocabulary is to read (or watch or listen to) some English every day.
Try the news, articles, books, podcasts, or videos on a variety of subjects that interest you.
(Choose subjects you care about so you'll keep on reading, even if it's a little hard.)
When you see or hear words you don't know, use these strategies to figure them out, and to learn the ones that are important to understand what you're reading-- or that you see over and over.
If you know that spectators are people watching (looking at) an event, you might be able to guess that an inspector is someone who looks into things and watches to see that things are done properly.
(More than 25 pages on EnglishHints explain different roots and affixes. Word Families is a good place to start.)
Watch for the word when you read. (Is the use and meaning the same?)
Keep your review sessions brief. A few minutes every day will help you learn much more than 2 hours once a week.
Some related words may not be polite or appropriate in certain situations. Shouting to a friend in class would be rude, but it would be necessary if you see a fire starting and need to warn people to escape.)
It chooses really useful words-- not just unusual ones-- and gives standard dictionary information like the meaning plus a recent quote from the New York Times that uses the word. A bonus-- the page lists more than a week's earlier entries in case you miss one. Try bookmarking it right now.
You'll receive two issues a month, with interesting reading, review activities, and sometimes games, puzzles, or quizzes, to reinforce what you learn and make it yours!
As mentioned above, the best way to learn new words is to read or hear them several times in context (not just study a list of words.) It takes a number of repetitions for most people to remember a new word and be able to use it.
The main purpose of English Detective is to give you multiple opportunities to read, hear, and work with common academic vocabulary in interesting, real-life contexts.
For more information, see Building Vocabulary Week by Week, or sign up on the form below.)
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(For example, cognates, past tense practice, or 'get along with.') Click to see the related pages on EnglishHints.
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