Can you recognize or guess the meanings of these 18 common words from Latin roots? This matching practice, like the gapfill exercise in 50 Latin Word Roots Practice, gives you a chance to test your word decoding abilities. Check your ability to recognize word meanings using your knowledge of their prefixes, suffixes, and roots.
Most of these roots are included in 50 Word Roots from Latin. The root meanings are given again below, as this exercise is not to test your knowledge of Latin but your ability to apply an understanding of roots and affixes to individual words.
The 18 English words to match come from these Latin roots:
dicere- to say
finis- end or limit
haerere- to attach or stick
integrare- to make whole
locus- place
sequi- to follow
signare- to make a sign
spectare- to look*
tangere-to touch, tactus- touched*
tribuere- to divide among or pay
Note that the words with asterisks (*) are now on a new page: Sense Vocabulary. You can still practice them here, as well as on that page.
Match these words with their definitions on the left (The first is done as an example.)
For more practice matching roots, see Roots of Comparison and Important Latin Roots, as well as Exercise your Sense Vocabulary (mentioned above.) You might also want to look at List of Prefixes to learn how prefixes can change the meanings of roots. List of Suffixes can help you recognize a word's part of speech (the position it takes in a sentence, and how it can be used.)
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